Younes Mohammed Qanber Mohammed

Curriculum Vitae

Full name: Younes Mohammed Qanber Mohammed
Date of birth: 22/9/1992
Address: UAE Al-Ain
Email address:
Phone number: 03-7611352
P. O. Box: 12570
Nationality: Emirates
Place of birth: Al-Ain
Language speak: Arabic- English- some word of Japanese
Schools: Abd Al Rahman- Assem - AL Markhanyah - Al Thabat - IAT


1- Fast typing at the computer
2- Speaking different languages
3- Good health (Only became ill one time at the year - running at the vacation)

My dream job in the future

My dream job in the future will be a building engineer at the military. I decided to do that because I love engineering very much as I like the tech. draw. So this is my personal information.